A Midjourney Review: Pricing and Value in 2023

Is Midjourney still at the forefront of the AI-generated art movement? Find out for yourself!

A Midjourney Review: Pricing and Value in 2023
Generated with Midjourney

In the creative world, Midjourney is one of the players that lie at the forefront of the AI revolution. Developed by an independent research lab, Midjourney is the result of intricate AI programming designed to convert natural language prompts into visual art. Its applications range from generating original logos for businesses to fantastical landscapes for a novel's cover art.

AI, like that powering Midjourney, is heralding a seismic shift in the creative industry. It allows for a new level of scalability and convenience. It opens up opportunities for individual artists, large corporations, and everyone in between. I’m talking about a level of democratization that wasn’t possible before, especially in the art world.

How Does Midjourney Work?

At the core of Midjourney lies a sophisticated AI model trained using a vast collection of images. In response to your text prompt, this model uses intricate calculations and neural network manipulations to generate unique images. It's the digital equivalent of a brainstorming session, where the AI imagines, sketches, and refines until it produces visuals that align with your description.

Your passport to Midjourney is the popular chat platform, Discord. While it might seem unconventional, Discord's platform offers a real-time, interactive, and community-based environment. It's a buzzing hub of Midjourney users, each on their individual creative quests, fostering a sense of shared creative discovery.

The experience of using Midjourney is a delightful blend of control and chaos. You can guide the AI's creative process with your prompts but remain open to its unique interpretations. It's a journey of collaboration, co-creation, and revelation.

Midjourney Subscription: Is the Price Worth It?

Midjourney offers three subscription tiers designed to cater to different user groups with varying needs and budgets.

At the entry level, there's the Basic Plan. For just $10 per month, you get access to the core features of Midjourney. You get 3.3h/month, using them how you see fit. This is an excellent option for casual users or hobbyists who are just dipping their toes into the world of AI-generated art.

Next up is the Standard Plan, priced at $30 per month. This plan offers a broader range of benefits, making it a good fit for freelance artists or small businesses looking to infuse a bit of AI magic into their creative projects.

Then there's the Pro Plan for $60 per month, tailored for heavy users and larger businesses. With access to premium features and faster processing times, this plan provides a robust solution for those seeking to integrate AI imagery into their professional work regularly.

Finally, you have the Mega Plan, which costs around $120 per month. With it, you get 60 hours of usage for most large enterprises that are looking to offset the costs of hiring actual human creators.

But what about a test drive before committing to a subscription? That's where the free trial used to come in. However, due to past abuse, Midjourney has stopped offering free trials. In the beginning, users were granted 25 free tokens to generate images and explore the platform. Today, to dive into the world of Midjourney, you might need to shell out at least $10 per month.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, the return on investment can be significant – both in terms of financial savings and creative output. While the subscription cost may seem a tad high for casual users, the joy of creating AI-powered art can be worth every penny (at least, it is for me). The decision to invest boils down to how much value you perceive in harnessing the power of AI for your creative pursuits. And if the user reviews are anything to go by, the journey is well worth the price of admission.

Midjourney vs. Human Creatives: Where Should You Invest?

When it comes to investing in creative resources, businesses today are presented with a novel choice: should they utilize AI platforms like Midjourney, or should they continue to employ the services of human creatives? This decision ultimately hinges on several key factors: cost, time, complexity of the project, and the level of creativity required.

Cost and Time Efficiency: This AI-powered platform can generate highly detailed and unique visuals from simple text prompts in a matter of minutes. In terms of speed and efficiency, Midjourney certainly outperforms human creatives. Creating a logo that would traditionally take days and cost hundreds of dollars can be accomplished in minutes. The platform's subscription plans are competitively priced, offering businesses of all sizes access to high-quality image generation.

Project Complexity: However, when it comes to more complex tasks requiring a nuanced understanding of the brand, human creatives still hold the edge. While the AI is capable of producing visually stunning images, it's not capable of truly understanding or interpreting the essence of a creative brief the way a human artist would. This technology also has its limitations. Complex prompts or those that require a certain level of abstract thinking might not produce satisfactory results.

Creativity: One of the key advantages human creatives have over AI is their capacity for originality and innovation. While Midjourney can produce a wide variety of images, it is fundamentally limited by the prompts it is given. A human creative can brainstorm unique concepts, think outside the box, and bring a distinctive personal style to their work.

From an industry perspective, there's no denying that AI tools like Midjourney can and will impact certain jobs, particularly in design, advertising, and other creative fields. However, this does not necessarily mean the demise of these professions.

Instead, it signifies a shift in how these jobs are performed. AI could take over more routine tasks, freeing up human creatives to focus on more complex and emotionally-driven projects. In the future, I see these tools being used to complement human creativity rather than replace it.



High-quality, detailed, and vivid images.


Can create a wide variety of image styles.


More affordable for businesses needing lots of creative output.


Shared creativity via the Discord platform.


Learning Curve

Crafting effective prompts can take some time.

Platform Dependency

Requires use of Discord, which might not be ideal for all users.

Content Filtering

Sometimes overly cautious, leading to false positives.

Copyright Concerns

Unclear copyright status of generated images can raise legal concerns.

Bottom Line

Midjourney's journey is one to keep an eye on. Its blend of artistry and technology, its continual development and improvement, and its potential impacts on how we approach design and creativity make it an intriguing player in the AI field.

Despite its small shortcomings, Midjourney presents a compelling case for the use of AI in creative work. While it can't replace human creatives in all areas, it offers a cost-effective alternative for businesses and a creative playground for individuals. The concerns around copyright and platform dependency, however, do highlight that the technology is not perfect and there is room for improvement.