Discovering QuillBot’s Key Features. Here’s what the famous paraphrasing tool can do for you

Discovering QuillBot’s Key Features. Here’s what the famous paraphrasing tool can do for you
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QuillBot feels like the Fairy Godmother turned your thesaurus into a real boy. To its bare bones, QuillBot is an artificially-intelligent synonym finder, famous as a great paraphrasing tool. If you’ve been writing daily until you can’t words anymore, you probably suspect how this can be useful.

QuillBot is there to rewrite and redraft bits of writing. This tool covers writers’ most frequent needs. You can rewrite for clarity and simplicity, meet your word count, slightly change the tone of voice. What makes QuillBot special is the AI component of the dictionary. The tool is very good at understanding and maintaining the original meaning of your phrase. This is a top-of-its-class tool that replaces precisely the part of the job that doesn’t feel good. You no longer have to eat your vegetables.

QuillBot’s star feature. Here’s what the paraphrasing tool does

Introduce bland paragraphs into QuillBot, and it will find you fitting alternatives that make your writing pop. It runs through a rich thesaurus and cycles through multiple rewrites, sometimes hitting on great variations in the tone of voice. Because it understands context, the rephrasing is remarkably on-point.

The paraphraser feature is very uncomplicated compared to most AI writing assistants. You get seven modes that target frequent writing issues.

  • Standard rewrites. This is your basic thesaurus. It finds synonyms wholesale without worrying about any particular objective. Standard rewrites have a balanced approach to paraphrasing.
  • Rewrite for fluency makes a minimal amount of changes to your text and ensures grammar is on point. With fluency, synonyms are put on the lowest setting to maintain the original meaning.
  • Formal polishes your text to make it sound professional. Formal rewrites will catch slang, casual language and it will adhere to conventional grammar and style rules. This setting serves a vocabulary that is not only formal but also very impartial and concise.
  • Simple rewriting greatly improves your readability and brings clarity to your writing. It strives to use basic and general vocabulary, shorten your phrases and might identify the main idea and summarize it.
  • Creative rewrites make the most amount of changes and might occasionally change the meaning of your original text. With creative rewrites, QuillBot occasionally stumbles on great tone of voice and quirky writing, at the risk of sometimes being outlandish.
  • Shorten or expand helps you meet your word count in a very organic way. This goes beyond simply bloating or shortening your phrases. It’s perfectly capable of expanding an idea. It will add qualifiers that make sense in the context. It will summarize and capture the main idea in a sentence.

Beyond setting up objectives, QuillBot has a slider that adjusts the number of synonyms. Allowing for more changes can give stunning results, but might trade off some of the accuracy of the original text.

QuillBot features for writers

Check for plagiarism. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in academics and in general by any self-respecting creative. It also creates issues when you are trying to rank well on Google. Search engines prioritize unique and original content and will send writers to copycat purgatory for plagiarism. Quillbot’s paid plagiarism checker does a thorough job of comparing your text with a large dataset of sources.

The tool itself does a great job at writing spin-offs, therefore it sometimes identifies when a paper tried to mask plagiarism with run-of-the-mill paraphrasing.

Summarize text. QuillBot’s summarizer condenses the main ideas of articles, papers, and entire book chapters into a structured summary. This very much self-explanatory feature does a decent job. For better summaries, you can focus it on certain keywords. It will know to pay special attention to sections of the sourced material that mention it.

Co-writer. QuillBot’s co-writer helps you overcome writer’s block, structure your ideas and plan an outline for your article, thesis, or essay. This is a generative writing tool similar to what you would get with ChatGPT.

While ChatGPT feels more conversational, QuillBot is geared toward academic writing. It will write a great essay on its first try, and you don’t need exploits or workarounds for that.

Proofread your work. Like most if not all writing tools out there, QuillBot is able to check for errors: grammar, typos, proper punctuation. This tool allows you to integrate with Chrome and Microsoft Word, so you no longer need to do the back-and-forth. Instead, you will get your proofreading directly inside your original document.

Citation generator. Geared toward academia, Quillbot's citation generator is designed to write accurate and properly formatted citations for research papers and essays. It helps users avoid the process of manually formatting citations by providing an automated solution.

Translator. Quillbot's translation feature allows users to translate text from one language to another with ease. It provides a convenient and efficient way to bridge language barriers. Being based on AI, it maintains the original meaning and intent fo the text, while taking into account grammatical rules and language nuances.