AI Courses: Your Not-So-Serious Guide to Some Serious Learning

If you're interested in taking your AI knowledge further than the average internet user, check out this guide!

AI Courses: Your Not-So-Serious Guide to Some Serious Learning
Generated with Midjourney

AI is not just a trendy buzzword. From smart homes and self-driving cars to intelligent business solutions, AI's footprint is everywhere. It's the silent engine that is transforming data into actionable insights and automating mundane tasks. However, dealing with AI isn't as simple as flipping a switch.

Whether you're partial to the neural network nurturing capabilities of TensorFlow or you find the dynamic computational graphs of Pytorch exhilarating, getting to grips with your chosen tool is essential.

This is where we come in. This article aims to give you access to the best AI learning resources on the market. From online courses and tutorials to e-books and podcasts, we’ve got you covered.

# Key Takeaways
1 You can find multiple online platforms that offer a large number of AI courses.
2 If you're a beginner, forums and communities provide valuable guidance.
3 There are some budget-friendly learning options through free resources.
4 Engaging with experts is a valuable networking opportunity.

A Pocket-Sized Powerhouse for Success

Thinking AI is redundant to your life is quickly becoming a thing of the past. And considering it was only a year ago when Chat-GPT went on the market, that’s saying something. The pace at which AI carves a niche in almost every professional sector is remarkable.

Whether you’re a content creator hustling for the next viral sensation, a small business owner wearing too many hats, or a corporate entity aiming to streamline operations and stay competitive, the promise of AI is undeniable. Here’s how (so far):

Efficiency and Automation: The grind of manual, repetitive tasks can suck the life out of your day. AI steps in like a virtual superhero, taking over these mundane tasks and executing them with precision and speed, freeing up your time to focus on your work's creative and strategic aspects.

Data Analysis: In the digital age, data is gold. But sifting through this goldmine to extract valuable insights can be a Herculean task. With its data analysis prowess, AI can delve into vast amounts of data, uncover trends, and provide actionable insights to drive better decision-making.

Content Optimization: For content creators, AI can be your silent brainstorming partner. It can help optimize your content for SEO, suggest trending topics, and even provide insights on what your audience wants to see, helping you create content that resonates and engages.

Customer Experience: Small businesses looking to scale need to ensure their customers are happy. AI can help enhance customer experience through personalized recommendations, faster query resolutions via chatbots, and predictive analysis to address issues before they escalate.

Cost Reduction: AI can significantly reduce operational costs by automating routine tasks and providing valuable insights. It's like having a virtual workforce that doesn’t take coffee breaks and works 24/7.

Scaling Operations: As a small business, scaling up operations without escalating costs can be a tightrope walk. AI provides the tools to automate various aspects of the business, allowing for a smoother scaling process.

Enhanced Creativity: With the tedious tasks taken care of and a wealth of data-driven insights at your disposal, your creative juices can flow freely. Whether creating captivating content or devising strategic business plans, AI provides the space and tools to think big.

AI isn’t just a tool – it’s a toolmaker. It’s an investment in refining and accelerating your workflow, understanding your audience better, and ultimately delivering value that stands out. Whether you’re going solo, leading a small team, or a huge battalion in the business arena, embracing AI is like having a secret weapon that propels you forward.


Where To Learn More: Online Platforms and Certifications

Exploring the world of AI isn't a walk in the park, but luckily, we live in an age where the keys to the AI kingdom are just a click away. There are some solid platforms out there offering a wealth of information to get you up to speed with AI tools. Let's break them down:


A one-stop shop for a wide variety of courses on AI in general or various AI tools you might want to learn, be it Chat-GPT or Zapier.

The course demystifies AI terminology, explores AI's capabilities and limitations, and helps identify AI application opportunities in your organization. It also provides a glimpse into machine learning and data science project development. It delves into ethical and societal discussions surrounding AI while aiding in formulating an AI strategy with a team.

You’ll learn how to set up a new server in Midjourney, generate and optimize diverse artwork versions using advanced features like remix mode, permutation prompts, and zoom out, and deliver industry-standard digital assets by adjusting and saving images in various aspect ratios.

Learn the basics of AI and Machine Learning, and devise a deployment strategy to integrate AI, ML, and Big Data into your organization, leveraging cutting-edge technologies.

After completing this course, you'll be adept at utilizing the OpenAI API to incorporate impressive AI functionalities into your apps. You'll gain knowledge on employing the Dall-E, GPT-4, and ChatGPT APIs, along with the expertise to fine-tune a model using your own data.


Your go-to place for a hands-on, project-based learning approach makes it a playground for practical learners.

Intro to Digital Arts covers basic digital art principles, the creative process, working with images using free online software, and creating digital artwork with DALL-E, ArtBreeder, and Midjourney. It also teaches writing effective prompts for AI-based text-to-image tools.

The Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow program delves into supervised and unsupervised learning methods, covering topics like regression, perceptron algorithms, decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks, image classification, clustering, and dimensionality reduction, with a focus on data preprocessing, model selection, and evaluation using TensorFlow and Python across three courses.

Complete hands-on projects crafted by industry professionals, encompassing subjects from asset management to trading signal generation. Master AI trading algorithms and build a portfolio ready to showcase in your career pursuits.


A diverse platform offering a mix of courses from reputable universities and industry partners on various AI tools.

In this course, you'll delve into advanced Chat-GPT techniques. You’ll explore sophisticated prompting techniques, diverse use case applications, integration with other tools, and app development while acknowledging its limitations.

This course goes into biases based on gender, race, socioeconomic factors, and bias in data-driven predictive models leading to decisions. While aimed at professionals and academics with a foundational understanding of mathematics and programming, the content is also valuable for anyone using or interested in AI in other capacities.

The course explores the societal implications and prospects brought forth by AI. You'll acquire an analytical toolkit and a lasting skill set for addressing real-world challenges in a compact learning structure.

You’ll uncover the effects of technological advancements on economic resource distribution and productivity enhancements, understand how AI can either intensify or mitigate discrimination and power disparities in the workplace, and see how technology transforms daily social interactions.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is like that savvy friend who helps you upskill over the weekend. It provides brief and to-the-point courses, making it ideal for professionals looking to quickly grasp a concept or tool.

This course delves into the impact of Chat-GPT and AI technology on human creativity, offering strategies for leveraging AI for skill development and motivation. It addresses marketers' concerns around AI, emphasizing the unique aspects of their field, and discusses AI’s implications for various creatives adapting to the evolving job market. Learners will be equipped to utilize Chat-GPT for generating brand-aligned marketing content by the course's end.

This crash course on generative AI focuses on prompt engineering for Chat-GPT and other AI chatbots to enhance your research and writing skills. It covers creating effective prompts, provides practical strategies for working with generative AI, and explores tasks like summarizing complex information, building user personas, analyzing writing styles, and generating new content. By the course's end, you'll be equipped to utilize Chat-GPT and other chatbots for improved, consistent writing outcomes.

Learn AI using GitHub Copilot as an assistant, starting with setting up Python and Jupyter notebooks on Visual Studio Code. This course will teach you machine learning basics, build a classifier model, and explore AI and machine learning roles in understanding and applying computer vision.


A friendly neighborhood platform offering free courses to help you understand the basics without emptying your pockets. It's great for those looking to dip their toes into the AI waters without a hefty commitment.

In this course, you’ll learn SEO and AI basics, how AI impacts SEO strategies, and gain expertise in generative AI tools for content creation. You’ll explore various SEO tasks with Chat-GPT, understand 'Search Generative Experience (SGE)', optimize content using AI, and create future-ready content for AI-powered search, focusing on competitive advantages in an AI-driven SEO landscape.

You’ll learn to utilize AI tools to enhance marketing across different channels and gain practical experience with AI in real-world scenarios through 100+ marketing-specific Chat-GPT prompts. You’ll gain access to proven AI marketing tools, understand how to integrate AI into your marketing strategy, and stay updated on the latest AI marketing trends to apply them to your own marketing endeavors.

This course systematically teaches writing professional prompts and mastering AI painting fundamentals to become an AI artist. It covers controlling scene elements, transforming streetscapes into cyberpunk masterpieces, refining interior designs from sketches, training your own model, and leveraging Chat-GPT to enhance work efficiency significantly.


With a range of courses in partnership with universities and organizations around the world, FutureLearn is like a global potluck of AI knowledge, giving you a taste of different approaches and applications of AI tools.

In this course, you'll evaluate different perspectives and economic theories on artificial intelligence (AI) to guide further learning, explore the motivations behind AI development and the role and ethical considerations of a legal professional in this realm, and apply robust research methods to analyze various AI problems.

In this course, you'll learn to develop simple machine learning models using Azure Machine Learning, work with text, speech, images, and video using Python and Microsoft cognitive services, and implement conversational bots using the Microsoft Bot Framework.

In this course, you'll learn to apply deep learning models for machine translation and conversation, use deep structured semantic models for information retrieval and natural language applications, implement deep reinforcement learning models for natural language applications, and employ deep learning models for image captioning and visual question-answering tasks.

Now, make sure you go after courses that offer certifications. After all, they are more than just a digital badge to flaunt on your LinkedIn profile. Certifications are solid proof of your skills and dedication. They tell your potential employer or client that you know your stuff. Besides, the process of getting certified involves tackling real-world projects, which is a great way to learn. So, if you're serious about making a mark in the AI realm, getting certified is a solid step in that direction.

AI On A Dime: The Budget-Friendly Alternatives

Learning more about AI doesn’t always require a hefty wallet or a rigid schedule. The digital world is teeming with free resources that can kickstart your AI journey from the comfort of your home or anywhere with good coffee, really. Here’s where you can turn to:

YouTube Channels

The video gurus on YouTube have a knack for breaking down complex topics into digestible, often entertaining, chunks. Channels like Ruben Hassid or Siraj Raval are just a few where you can start. Whether it’s getting the hang of Midjourney or diving into the nitty-gritty of PyTorch, there’s a video for it.

Blogs and Tutorials

There’s something comforting about learning straight from the horse’s mouth. Many AI tool developers host a wealth of tutorials on their official websites. For instance, TensorFlow’s official website is a treasure trove of tutorials and guides to help you navigate its capabilities.

Community Blogs and Forums

Community-driven blogs and forums are where the real, unfiltered experiences come to light. Medium and GitHub are platforms where enthusiasts and experts share their knowledge, tips, tricks, and sometimes, their misadventures in AI. It's a space to learn, ask, and share.

Trend Tracking AI: How To Stay Updated


When it comes to AI, change is the only constant. With every passing day, new advancements, updates, and breakthroughs could redefine how we understand or use AI tools. Staying relevant in such a dynamic field requires a commitment to continuous learning and keeping a finger on the pulse of emerging trends. Here’s how:

Subscriptions and Newsletters

Subscribe to newsletters and blogs from reputable sources in the AI community. Regular digests from personalities in the field like Superhuman, The Algorithmic Bridge, and YourAITool can provide a snapshot of the latest happenings and advancements in AI.

Online Communities and Forums

Engage in online communities and forums to discuss and dissect new trends and updates. Platforms like Reddit, Medium, and the official forums of AI tool developers are great spaces to interact with other AI enthusiasts and experts.

Follow Influencers and Thought Leaders

Following influencers and thought leaders in the AI space on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can provide insights into evolving trends and discussions. They often share valuable content, insights, and discussions happening in the AI community. If you’re interested in mastering Midjourney, then Rory Flynn can be your guy. Or if you want to be more proficient at integrating AI into your business workflow, Rob Lennon can have the lessons you need.

Attend Webinars and Conferences

Participate in webinars, online conferences, and meetups to hear from the experts and interact with the community. These platforms also allow networking and learning about the latest research and advancements.

Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I learn generative AI?

You can learn about generative AI from various online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity, which offer specialized courses on this topic. Universities also provide education on generative AI as part of their computer science or artificial intelligence programs.

Can anyone learn generative AI?

Theoretically, anyone with an interest in AI can learn generative AI. However, a basic understanding of programming and mathematical concepts is beneficial.

How do I prepare for learning generative AI?

Preparing for generative AI involves understanding basic AI concepts and terminologies and knowing how these technologies can be integrated into existing workflows.

How do I use generative AI?

Generative AI can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating images, videos, music, or text. It's also employed in generating code, improving design processes, and more.

Is Google's generative AI course free?

Yes, Google offers a free course titled "Introduction to Generative AI," which takes about 45 minutes to complete. Upon completion, Google Cloud provides a 'Completion Badge'​.

Can generative AI write code?

Yes, generative AI can assist in writing code. Tools like OpenAI Codex are capable of generating code snippets based on specific needs.

Which generative AI course is best?

It depends on your personal learning goals and preferences. It's advisable to check the curriculum, reviews, and ratings to make an informed decision.

How long does it take to learn generative AI?

The time it takes to learn generative AI can vary widely depending on your prior knowledge, the learning platform, and the depth of understanding you wish to achieve. It could range from a few weeks to several months or more.

What language is used for generative AI?

Python is a popular language for generative AI, supported by libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, and Keras. Other languages such as JavaScript, Go, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Swift, and TypeScript can also be used, especially with tools like OpenAI Codex that are proficient in multiple languages​

Bottom Line


As we wrap up, it’s clear that learning more about AI is less of a straight path and more of a sprawling landscape with a variety of resources. The online platforms provide a structured way to delve into AI, with courses that range from the basics to the advanced.

The AI domain is a beast that’s constantly changing, and to stay relevant, engaging with continuous learning resources and keeping a pulse on the trends is crucial.  It's about picking the right resources, connecting with the community, and keeping your knowledge updated.